Shelters in NH
Here is a list of shelters in your area:
Claremont (Schs) 542-3160 Singles & Families
Concord (Friend’s Program) 228-1462 Families Only
Concord (McKenna House) 228-3505 Singles Only
Dover (My Friend’s Place) 749-3017 Singles & Families
Franconia (Bancroft House) 823-8842 Single Females & Families
Greenland (New Generations) 436-4989 Pregnant Women & New Mothers with Babies
Keene Singles/Families Shelters 357-1654 Singles & Families
Laconia (Carey House) 528-8086 OR 273-0238 Singles & Families
Lancaster (Tyler Blain House) 788-2344 Singles & Families
Manchester (Families In Transition) 627-2636 Families Only
Manchester (New Horizons) 668-1877 Singles Only
Nashua (Ash Street Shelter) 889-7770 (Days) or 883-1101 (Nights) Single Males & Families
Nashua (Kinsley Street Shelter) 598-2544 Single Females & Families
Nashua (Maple Arms Emergency Shelter) 882-5451 Singles & Families
Plymouth (Bridge House, Inc) 536-7631 Singles & Families
Portsmouth (Crossroads) 436-2218 Singles & Families
or call the Homeless Outreach Hot-line at 1-800-852-3345
Community Action Program (CAP) - The Community Action Program is a New Hampshire based 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization that changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live.
St.Vincent DePaul - The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. All management and staff are strictly volunteer, and we provide services and assistance to all - regardless of faith or creed.
St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Alton & Wolfeboro NH - Our community is warm, welcoming, vibrant, active, and inspired. Forgiveness, acceptance, encouragement, and support are realities at St. Katherine, not just ideals.
BeFree Community Church Alton - BeFree is a Christ centered family, that seeks to glorify God by loving him, loving others and making disciples.
Alton Community Church - The First Congregational Church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need.